
You Need More Than Just One Thing

To grow your business all across the country, you need to focus on three important areas: your product, how you manage things, and how you market your business.

Expanding your business everywhere is called “scaling” in business talk. And to scale your business, like if you have a beauty salon, you need three things:

  1. A really good product or service.
  2. Strong management skills to run things smoothly.
  3. Effective marketing to get more customers.

While having a great product is important, it’s not enough to make your business big. You also need to let people know about it through marketing. As a business owner, you need to be ready to spend money on marketing.

Most beauty salons and small businesses don’t have special marketing teams. Without good marketing, plans to expand nationwide usually don’t work out.

Don’t Give Big Jobs to New Employees

Some businesses make a mistake by giving important jobs, like marketing, to new employees who might not be ready for them yet. This can cause problems and make it hard for the business to grow.

Expanding Nationwide Isn’t as Hard as It Seems

Growing your business all over the country might sound tough, but it’s not too hard. The real challenge is getting started with the first few locations.

You need to make sure you have good systems for serving customers and a strong team inside your business that can help it grow. How you set up your team to handle product, management, and marketing will really affect how well your business grows.

Deciding who does what, whether to do it in-house, outsource, or partner with others, is key. Make sure you have a strong team in place to handle the challenges that come with growing your business.

Yuzuru Ishikawa
Small Business Growth Specialist | Director at Globalcube Limited | CMO for Kesae Total Balance: Beauty Massage Salon | I specialise in helping small local businesses that aspire to expand to a nationwide scale |