
It is “be authentic”

Content marketing is important to any business when you want to give an opportunity for the audience to understand why you do what you do, whom you serve, and how you do to deliver the result you promise.

While Businesses tend to try their very best to provide the “correct answer” which is nothing wrong, they somehow lost their own unique flavor in the process of creating the “correct” content.

Then how can you continue to create content without losing your own flavor to deliver the value you promised to fulfill?

I found the answer so simple, but not easy to do…

Anyway, It is “be authentic”

The more authentic you become, the more unique flavor can be added, and there is no way people will replicate the content because the content embodies your story.

I used to catch myself not being authentic in the process of writing new content because I am programmed to pursue the “correct answer” by default which is my pattern developed since my childhood, so it requires quite substantial efforts to change my awareness and accept that I have this pattern of behavior to allow myself to take action to work on my work.

As my own example shows, changing the pattern of behavior to become as authentic as I can requires consistency and congruency, but it feels great and so humanity when your content is so aligned with who you are, what you provide, how you provide, so it is worth a try to practice this skill.

Yuzuru Ishikawa
Small Business Growth Specialist | Director at Globalcube Limited | CMO for Kesae Total Balance: Beauty Massage Salon | I specialise in helping small local businesses that aspire to expand to a nationwide scale |