Beauty Massage Salon

We held a regular tea party at our main salon to gather those interested in job opportunities

We held a regular tea party at our main salon space to invite those interested in job opportunities.

We planned a tea party at our main beauty massage salon in Auckland to expand our salon business. This time, not only those in Auckland but also two people who came all the way from Rotorua, which is about three hours away by car.

We had various discussions beforehand via message exchanges, but the two people who came by car from Rotorua had taken the time all the way to come, so they are so serious about the opportunity and asked various questions about the program in detail, and the tea party, which usually lasts about an hour to an hour and a half, lasted over two hours.

To be honest, we got so busy in the conversation that we forgot about the time, and we were a little rushed because there was not much time left until the next customer was scheduled to arrive ^^;

Anyway, they were also very positive about putting up a signboard of our business, and we thought it was a well-planned event that made the effort worthwhile. However, since the two people who met the conditions had overlapping business areas, we have to carefully decide whether or not to accept them because we don’t want them to compete with each other to create winner losing situation. Also, there was someone who was so good at marketing that we wanted them not only in the salon, but also in the head office, but unfortunately, the conditions were not yet met, and we cannot start right away, which is very disappointing (-_-;)

However, they even talked about private matters as if we had known each other for a long time, and we were able to spend valuable time feeling that we want to organize our business to enrich the lives of as many people as possible.

The good thing about a tea party is that even those who find it a bit too committed to applying for a job opportunity can attend. And for the head office, it is also an opportunity to have more people experience our company’s technology and to learn about the way of life we offer.

Yuzuru Ishikawa
Small Business Growth Specialist | Director at Globalcube Limited | CMO for Kesae Total Balance: Beauty Massage Salon | I specialise in helping small local businesses that aspire to expand to a nationwide scale |